The Citizens In Action Southern Africa submitted a petition to the Zimbabwean Parliament on the 20th of July 2022 calling on the Parliament to Accede to the 1984 adoption of the Convention against Torture which requires states to take effective measures to prevent torture within their territories and prohibiting them from transporting or extraditing people to any country where there is reason to believe they will be tortured.

Of the 16 SADC countries, Zimbabwe and Tanzania are the only two countries yet to Accede, sign or ratify the Convention. Henceforth CIASA wrote to Parliament with the following recommendations :

1: Accede to CAT and OPCAT

2: Enact legislation comprehensively and effectively outlawing torture as CAT and the Protocol require.

3: Call on the government to implement the recommendations made by all the previous Commissions of enquiry and special rapporteurs.

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