Terms of Reference (ToR) for Documentary Production on Plight of female students in Zimbabwe
Deadline: 08 December 2023
An organization established by a group of women human rights defenders coming together to make a significant and positive impact in Zimbabwe and beyond. This is against the realization that marginalized women and girls are being left behind in the development discourse of Zimbabwe, and the organization is determined to rewrite the narrative and give women and girls access to fundamental human rights. The lack of proper and coordinated social and feminist movements, the lack of solidarity and movement building in Zimbabwe to address the national crisis, especially around lack of proper democratic and economic governance, barriers in accessing comprehensive SRHR integrated with Sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV) and women exclusion in natural resources governance, exclusion in access to education for the girl child among other contemporary issues led to the formation of the organization.
The organisation is seeking the services of a consultant to assist in developing a documentary on accessibility of to higher and tertiary education for young females between the ages of 18 to 24. The organisation is currently implementing a short-term project that seeks to enhance access to tertiary education for young females between the ages of 18 to 24 who are from marginalised communities. In order to achieve this, the organisation is using an intertwined approach from stakeholder consultations and analysis of the 2024 budget allocations towards education and development of position papers for evidence-based advocacy and lobbying. The organisation is inspired by the values to respect human rights and the desire to ensure access to higher learning for marginalised rural young girls and women. Build sustainable peace and development.
The purpose of the assignment is to document the plight of marginalised female students enrolled in institutions of higher learning in photography, audio and video. The video documentary will raise awareness on the welfare of young girls of ages 18-24 and the challenges they are facing in accessing higher and tertiary education.
Objectives of the assignment
The objective of this consultancy is to produce a documentary that captures the plight of disadvantaged girls against the backdrop of school fees hikes, the copying strategies and adaptation mechanisms for young girls who are enrolled in institutions of higher learning and the overall impact of the recent fees hikes on accessibility of education for young females between 18-24 especially those of poor rural areas of Zimbabwe.
Scope of work
The consultant will take overall responsibility of taking videos, information collection, preparation, creative designing and editing of the documentary. Edit and compile video footage into a comprehensive and engaging documentary. Ensure that the documentary aligns with the project objectives and messaging. Deliver a final, high-quality documentary in both video and written format.
The consultant will share raw video of the documentary and incorporate all the feedbacks provided by the organisation. The documentary should be beneficiaries driven, motivational, told mainly from the perspective of the beneficiaries, with interviews and inputs from local communities, government and non-government stakeholders. Documentary should be in English with English subtitles, at good market quality standards.
The entire film production i.e. writing, filming, editing, voicing/narration etc. should be done by the consultant. The entire development and production process will be closely monitored by the organisation providing continuous review, comments and inputs support when needed.
The documentary should feature:
• Midlands State University
• National University of Science Education
• Great Zimbabwe University
• Harare Institute of Technology
• Harare Polytechnic College
Expected Timeline
• Contractor shall commence the work as soon as possible, immediately upon signing of the contract
• A detailed timeline along with the work plan (shooting schedule) and draft outline needs
to be submitted within 7 days after signing of the contract in consultation with the project team
• First draft of the documentary should be provided to the organisation project team within 21 days after signing of the contract.
• Final documentary as well as the project files, should be delivered to the organisation on the 18 January 2024.
Deliverables and Payments
• Submit a storyboard and script for the organisation to the organisation for approval before filming.
• Present draft documentary at the end of the mission and incorporate feedback and comments
• Produce an edited video recording for the scenarios captured, and the footage of the recorded stories
• Present a complete 2×30 minute documentary film version, and handover 2 master copies of each to the organisation.
• Produce at least 2-minute summary previews adapted for social media sharing.
• A detailed timeline along with the work plan (shooting schedule) and draft outline needs to be submitted within 7 days after signing of the contract in consultation with the organisation.
• First draft of the documentary should be provided to the organisation project team within 21 days after signing of the contract.
Payments of total budget will be processed upon delivery of the following product along with the invoice:
1. Detailed timeline, work plan (shooting schedule) and draft outline (30%)
2. Draft videos (40%)
3. Final videos along with project files (30%)
Minimum expertise, qualifications and other attributes
1. University degree preferably in media and video production2. At least 5 and above years of experience in filming
3. Extensive experience in producing development work-related documentaries with
international organisations with the aim of reaching both local and in international audiences.
4. Excellent technical capacities (State of art filming equipment preferably high resolution) to ensure smooth and high-quality productions.
5. Minimum of three years of experience in the area of documentary production, directing and editing
6. Ability to operate under strict time limits and apply high production and technical standards for the purpose of maintaining high level of professionalism
7. Ability to communicate and conduct interviews in Shona and English
8. Track record of successful materials filmed in the region and /or on similar topics would be an asset
To apply:
Persons with demonstratable experience of producing similar documentaries are invited to
1. An Expression of Interest (EOI) which is not more than 5 pages. The EOI must detail applicants understanding of the TORs and, describe in broad terms how the applicant seeks to design and produce the envisaged documentary.
2. A cover letter summarising applicant’s skills and past experiences relevant to conducting this kind of assignment.
3. Two links to work samples demonstrating most relevant past production
4. Detailed list of technical information of the equipment intended for use, including camera, light, sound, editing software etc.
5. Detailed filming plan and timeline for all phases in pre-production, production and postproduction.
6. A clear total cost of the final product with detailed breakdown of estimated costs, including estimated days of shooting, production team, days of editing, travel costs etc.
7. Copy of tax clearance certificate Applications must be submitted to proposal@ciasa.org.zw by close of business on 08 December 2023.
Terms of Reference (ToR) for Documentary Production-Plight of Female Students in Zimbabwe